Thursday, October 21, 2010

First family visit!

We were so blessed to have Vito's sister, her husband and their 4 kids come to visit us in Warsaw. They currently live in Germany so after a couple of train rides and a plane ride they made it to Warsaw. It was an amazing 4 days watching the girls with their new aunt and uncle and 4 new cousins! Needless to say the girls were in heaven. They made necklaces with the girls, painted their fingernails, and taught them "if your happy and you know it clap your hands" only our girls sing "clap your feet"...I know it will come soon. We walked the streets of Warsaw together, fed the birds in the square, went out for ice cream and played in the park. The girls were strong when we had to say good-bye...even though I saw little tears in Karolina's eyes. We explained that we will see them again and again because they are family! It was truly a wonderful 4 days! Thank you again Schosek family for blessing us with your visit!

As for the details of coming home! Friday we went with Magda (always a treat for the girls to see Madga...they get so excited) and applied for the girls Polish social security numbers, took their pictures for their passports and visa's and visited the Embassy Dr.
Monday we applied for their passports and today we hope they are making the passports. Vito also left early Monday morning...the girls had tears in their eyes when they woke up and found out he had already left. Once I reminded them that he was going to see Scooter they smiled and felt better. Still praying to leave on Saturday!


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with Vito's family. I am so glad they were able to join you in Warsaw for a few days. The pictures are wonderful. I hope and pray you and the girls can leave on Saturday. Not much longer before you are all 4 together again as a family at home!!

  2. Those pictures are fantastic!!!! I'm so happy for Scooter right now too, knowing that he is on his way home with Daddy! Just a few more days!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Glad you had a fun visit with family, and hoping and praying for you all to be home on Saturday!!

  4. I'm also excited for Scooter. Soon he'll meet his new sisters.

    I recall our first day back and I was terrified and in tears wondering what have we done to our poor old dog by bringing three very young and lively children into his boring life.

    When a week later I realised he was checking in on them when they took a bath or went to bed, I knew he was bonding with them even faster than we were.

    Today, our dog is inseparable from our kids. They are totally in love with him.

    That's great that your kids got to meet their cousins so soon. That's the best thing you could have done for them to understand "family."

  5. How completely and totally wonderful that Vito's family was able to meet everyone!! That is terrific!! All fingers are crossed in the Weyer's household that Saturday will be the day!!

  6. How awesome! The pictures are beautiful, it looks like you all had SUCH a great time together. Imagine many years from now the cousins will be talking together about the first time they met in Poland!!

  7. It looks like you had a blast! How neat to have family in Germany! It sounds like an amazing visit. I LOVE the pictures! Here's hoping you get to leave Saturday! I remember being there and thinking "It'll be forever until I get to go back home!" Here I am a whole year later! Wow! Time flies! Enjoy every minute of it!


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