Saturday, November 21, 2009

The bright side after a few steps back

Last week we had a few glitches. Vito's Pennsylvania child abuse clearance form came back because they needed more info (they wanted to know every place he had ever lived and every person he had lived with since 1975.) Who knew. We provided the info and sent it back, hopefully the various college roomates he lived with years ago are upstanding, honest citizens now.
I had to have my medical papers redone (Dr. forgot to mark no to Wassermans, and Vito asked if I had something to tell him....I am clean and the Dr. fixed it :-)) Picked them up and shipped them off to be apostilled...again.
I decided to call the FBI to find out where our long over due clearance records were. They were yet to even be entered in the system. I asked if there was anyway they could expedite them. She asked what they were for, and when I told her our international adoption she said she would find out where they were. The next day (Friday night at 7pm) we received a call from the FBI to tell me they found them and would start processing them that night. Needless to say we received them the following week. Again...both clean. Yeah for the FBI!
Our last glitch was the state of MA refusing to apostille Vito's work verification because the notary did not use the "official notary language". We called the state to get specific requirements and then called to get a new letter. We are just waiting for that one to come in the mail.
On the bright side, we had another meeting with Erin, our social worker. We went over the homestudy she had written, handed over many documents, and went over financial info. She works side by side with the agency and I must say they have been really great to work with so far. We were able to meet in Lina's office and see her wall of pictures of all of the beautiful children that she was apart of adopting. The only thing we are waiting on to complete our homestudy is the child abuse clearance documents from the former states we have lived in.
Our social worker loaned us this movie called "5000 miles". It is a documentary about a couple who adopts a child from Poland. I highly recommend it for those of you who are adopting! It was really neat to see their experience and I have to admit many tears were shed.


  1. Ah, I remember all the gliches. As frustrating as they are, remember they all happen for a reason. Our final U.S. glich was that we were actually forgotton by our agency while we were on the waiting list because the Nebraska area (where we are from) stopped doing International adoptions and literally forgot that there were still a few families on the waiting list. Many frustations later (along with a new set of USCIS paperwork), all is well and we can't imagine life without our son. If one glich wouldn't have happened we may not have been placed with him.

    p.s. love the music

  2. I forgot to mention that we saw the movie, 5000 Miles, as well. We really liked it too.

  3. Yes, the glitches. They sneak up on you and always take you by surprise. Hang in there! We watched 5000 miles too! Excellent movie and always makes me teary.....every time! It is such a beautiful YOURS will be TOO!


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